Faith News

  • Covid Update

    (click for more) The Elder Executive Board recently met with the rest of the elders and a group of physicians from Faith to consider whether the rise in COVID cases would suggest a change in our policies. At this time, …

  • Mask Optional Worship

    (click for more)   REMINDER: Mask Optional Worship starts this Sunday Beginning July 4 (that’s this tomorrow!), masks are optional for everyone. However, we recognize some are not able (or not ready) to be in close proximity to others who …

  • COVID Protocol Update

    (click for more) COVID Protocol – Updated June 12 Dear Faith Family, This past Wednesday through Faith News, the Elder Executive Board announced a new “Covid Protocol” for our church. The intent behind our policy was to obey the governing …

  • Cut for Time Show Links

    The Final Days of Jesus Video Series During the podcast this week, Jeff mentioned tracking the moments of Jesus’ final days. Click a link to listen to a short video for each day this week: Palm Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday …

  • Cut For Time Show Links

    Find the links to our Cut for Time references below:   Every Moment Holy, by Douglas Kaine McKelvey Growing My Faith in the Face of Death, By Timothy Keller Revelation, by Flannery O’Conner

  • COVID, Church Safety, and Worship Update

    COVID, Church Safety, and Worship Updates Church leadership continues to monitor trends and take steps to ensure safety while also continuing ministry and enabling connection and community. In recent weeks, we’ve seen spikes in the rate of infection and in …

  • COVID, Church Safety, and Worship Update

    We recognize that both physical safety and relational connection are important. So, as you are comfortable doing so, those attending worship as a household of one should feel free to reach out to another household or two to form a …

  • COVID, Church Safety, and Worship Update

    On September 28, Indiana moved to Stage 5 in the state reopening plan. COVID infection rates remain relatively low, and we’ve seen few cases at Faith thanks to everyone heeding safety precautions. Marion County still requires face coverings and 6’ …

  • GO Time Update

    Your Questions, Answered If you’ve been around Faith for any length of time, you know that the heartbeat of our church is missions. That is why we hold an annual missions conference featuring our local and global missionaries, and highlighting …

  • COVID-19 Safety and Facility Use Guidelines

    Click the link below for our most recent Safety and Facility Use Guidelines. This document may change as our knowledge of the coronavirus changes and grows.

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