Giving Transforms Lives

Bringing hope and change to the Indianapolis area and beyond is one of our greatest callings.

We’re privileged to support local ministries, encourage the spread of the Gospel around the world, and use our building as a hub for transformation. And we’re able to do these things because of your giving. If you’d like to give to the ministry of Faith Church, we have two easy ways to give:

  1. Give directly to Faith Church through Pushpay: Set up your gifts and manage them with confidence through your CCB profile. This is the most secure and efficient way to give an offering to Faith Church. If this option is for you, read on to learn more!
  2. Give indirectly and designate: Give with your bank’s bill pay, write a check, give cash, or give through charitable foundations. With these types of donations, we need this form completed and returned to the Finance Office for recurring gifts so your gift can be applied as desired.

We know that managing your giving or changing how you give can be daunting. Here is a great resource on how to give and an FAQ to support you in the process.

Click to give directly with Pushpay
Set up and manage my online giving

Give Indirectly to Faith Church

  • Check

    If you typically give by check, you can continue to give in the exact same way, but we need this Designated Giving Form completed. However, if you’d like to switch your giving over to Pushpay, you’ll have enhanced security and control over your gifts.

  • Mailing Addresses

    Write a check and drop it in the mail. 

    Faith Church
    Attn: Dir. of Business Ops

    P.O. Box 40597
    Indianapolis, IN 46240

    For those using their Bank’s Bill Pay Service:

    Faith Church
    1300 E 86th Street, Ste 36A #40597
    Indianapolis, IN 46240

  • Stocks or Mutual Funds

    Giving this way not only benefits the church, but you receive tax benefits as well. These gifts are given through National Christian Foundation and can be designated just like any other gift. Giving stocks or mutual funds is simple; just use this Letter of Intent and follow the three steps listed. Then, send a copy to our Finance Office. We recommend that you consult a qualified tax or financial adviser about the details of any transaction that you make.

Where can I designate my giving?

  • General Fund

    General Fund

    Provide for staff and local ministry as well as maintenance of the building and grounds. All undesignated gifts will be added to this fund.

  • Benevolence


    Assist those with crisis needs within our own church body and the surrounding community.

  • Strategic Seminary Partnerships

    Strategic Seminary Partnerships

    Support the training of local leaders through Kiev Theological Seminary, Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, and Arab Baptist Theological Seminary.

  • General Missions Fund

    General Missions Fund

    Give a gift to the Faith Church missions fund to help with special projects and support the missions house and cars.

  • Designated Missions

    Designated Missions

    Faith missionaries and ministry partners are supported through gifts designated by individuals within the church rather than through the Church Ministries budget.

Questions about giving?

We’re happy to answer any questions you might have. Get in touch today.

Interested? Contact:

Finance Team

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