Life in the Spirit

How to live and walk by the Spirit. It’s what we’ll be studying in this series, Life in the Spirit. How does the Holy Spirit help us grow? What does growth as Christians look like? Over the next twelve weeks we’ll focus on Galatians 5:25, “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit” and take our time learning about the fruit of the Spirit.

Sermons in this series

Self-Control (1 Corinthians 9:19-27)
July 5, 2020Pastor:Jeff Schultz

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We’ve all discovered the need for more self-control over the last few months. How is this last ‘flavor’ of the fruit of the Spirit similar to and different from self-restraint, delayed gratification, or biting your tongue? Join us as we look at “self-control” in 1 Corinthians 9:19-27.

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June 28, 2020Pastor:Joey Woestman

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Long before social media addiction came around, Paul listed gentleness as one of the Fruit of the Spirit. Carrying the idea of “not being overly impressed with your own self-importance,” this fruit hits us where it hurts: our temptation to let everyone know how important we are. Watch the video or listen to the podcast to study Gentleness from James 3:13-18.

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June 21, 2020Pastor:Joey Woestman

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We all know what faithfulness is, right? But contained in the idea of “faithfulness” are virtues like reliability, courage, and endurance. So how do we grow in faithfulness? Tune in this weekend as we explore Matthew 25:14-30 in “Faithfulness”.

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June 14, 2020Pastor:Pastor Jeff Schultz

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We might talk about good friends, a good job, a good car or tool, good teachers, good leaders, or a good cause. But what makes something “good”? And is that kind of goodness different from the fruit of the Spirit that the apostle Paul mentions? Join us this weekend as look at “Goodness” from 2 Peter 1:3-9.

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June 7, 2020Pastor:Tom Macy

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“Be kind to one another” may be heard most often by mothers of squabbling children, the same as “be nice.”  Certainly that is included, but kindness is more than that.  Our call to kindness is to be modeled after the kindness of God toward us.  Join us this weekend for a look at Ephesians 4:25-32 and 1 Peter 2:1-3 as we consider the fifth of nine flavors of the fruit of the Spirit – Kindness.

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May 31, 2020Pastor:Joey Woestman

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Patience: we all pray for it, but none of us want to go through what it takes to grow in it. At the very least, we don’t want to do the long, hard work of developing patience…we want it now! But James tells us that patience can be ours if we understand our present in light of our future. Join us as we study “Patience” from James 5:7-11.


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May 24, 2020Pastor:Nathan Kingsley

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As we grow in the fruit of the Spirit, one flavor we will grow in is peace. What does peace that flows from the Spirit look like? Is it peace with God, peace with others, or both? Join us we study Philippians 4:4-9.

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May 17, 2020Pastor:Jeff Schultz

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We all face struggles, doubts, challenges, and discouragement – maybe more now than ever. How does the Holy Spirit grow the fruit of joy in all our circumstances? Join us as we look at “Joy” from 1 Peter 1:1-9.

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May 10, 2020Pastor:Jeff Schultz

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“Love” is probably one of the most used and abused words. What does love really look like? Is it a feeling, a choice, an action? Join us this week as we begin looking at the fruit of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 13.

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Walk in the Spirit
April 26, 2020Pastor:Joey Woestman

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Walk by the Spirit.” “Be led by the Spirit.” “Keep in step with the Spirit.” In just a short few verses, the Apostle Paul builds a word-cloud of analogies to describe the relationship between each believer and the Holy Spirit. As we grow to be more like Jesus, how does God empower us, and what’s our responsibility?

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Life in the Spirit
April 19, 2020Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

We begin a new series, “Life in the Spirit.” How does the Holy Spirit help us grow? What does growth as Christians look like? Over the next twelve weeks we’ll focus on Galatians 5:25, “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit” and take our time learning about the fruit of the Spirit.

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