The Heart of God for Weary People

Feeling tired? Weary? Overwhelmed? Then join us and be encouraged as we study the message of God’s comfort, strength, and hope to the weary exiles from Isaiah 40-49.

Sermons in this series

Family (Re)Gathering (Isaiah 49:8-18)
February 14, 2021Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

We wrap up our series looking at the Heart of God for Weary People by focusing in on Isaiah 49, an incredible passage in which God gathers together his family. No distance is too far, no location too remote, no logistics too complicated for God’s family (re)gathering, as Zion, the city of God, revels in the reunion, and God’s people rest in his comfort and compassion. Join us for “Family (Re)Gathering” from Isaiah 49:8-18.

I Will Carry You (Isaiah 46:3-4)
February 7, 2021Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

When you can’t carry yourself, who will carry you? It’s a question not many of us willingly face, worried that our answer will inevitably be “no one.” But what if you knew that you’ve never not been carried? What if you heard God saying to you “from before your birth I carried you…and until your gray hairs I will carry you”? Join us for “I Will Carry You” from God’s great promise in Isaiah 46:3-4.

Strong Hope for Tough Times (Isaiah 45:18-25)
January 31, 2021Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

When things seem overwhelming or out of control, we want to know things aren’t all out of control, that there’s a plan, that there’s someone in charge who knows what they’re doing. In this section of Isaiah 45:18-25, we hear God’s encouraging reminders that bring “Strong Hope for Tough Times.”

Renewed Confidence (Isaiah 44:1-8)
January 24, 2021Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

When we’re weary and worried about what’s going on and the future is uncertain, it’s easy to lose hope and feel like giving up. Join us as we discover “Renewed Confidence” from Isaiah 44:1-8.

I Am With You (Isaiah 43:1-7)
January 17, 2021Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

In one of the most intimate passages in the Jewish Scriptures, comfort comes to Israel through God’s special relationship with them. That relationship grounds their security in the face of difficulty, and their ultimate hope in the future. Does God’s relationship with us give us the same security and hope? Join us for “I Am With You” from Isaiah 43:1-7.

The Servant Appears (Isaiah 42:1-9)
January 10, 2021Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

To encourage his people, God tells them a servant is coming! Who is this servant? What is he like? What will he do? And how does that bring comfort to God’s people? Join us to dig into these questions in “The Servant Appears” from Isaiah 42:1-9.

Renewed Strength (Isaiah 40:27-31)
January 3, 2021Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Weary? Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Ever wonder “Where is God?” or “What is he doing in this?” Life is hard, but things seem harder when we can’t make sense of what’s going on. God doesn’t promise to explain things to us, but he does promise “Strength for the Weary.” Join us as we look together at Isaiah 40:27-31.

Comfort, Comfort (Isaiah 40:1-5)
December 27, 2020Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Weary? Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Literally can’t even?

We start a new series going through Isaiah 40-49. God’s people are worn out and discouraged from his severe discipline. Of course, not all weariness comes from sinful suffering, so the message of God’s comfort, strength, and hope is an encouragement to us. Because when we see God for who he really is, we are comforted and strengthened, our hearts are changed, our perspective shifts, and we respond with joy. Join us as we look at Isaiah 40:1-5 and the message: “Comfort my people.”