The God Who Draws Near

Now that we’ve heard Jesus’ teaching on life in that Kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus heads down off the “mountain of God” to enter the everyday realities of life in a world that doesn’t reflect the Kingdom. 

In Matthew 8-9 we see Jesus encounter and respond to the brokenness and need in people’s lives – cleansing lepers, healing the sick, calming a storm at sea, driving out demons, inviting tax collectors and sinners into God’s Kingdom.  

Jesus is not a God who lives “up in heaven” somewhere; he’s not distant, detached, unaffected by our needs, pains, fears and sorrows. He is the God who draws near. He gets down in the reality of our everyday lives to show compassion, to heal, help, save, deliver, and welcome all who will come.  

Sermons in this series

The God Who Breaks All the Rules (Matt. 9:9-17)
November 20, 2022Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Jesus likes hanging out with the “wrong” people, he welcomes sinners, and his disciples don’t follow the rules that define good, decent people. Jesus just doesn’t make sense as a religious leader. That’s kind of the point – and that’s good news for all of us. Join us as we look at “The God Who Breaks All The Rules” from Matthew 9:9-17.

The God Who Heals Body and Soul (Matt. 9:1-8)
November 13, 2022Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

All of us are broken, wounded, or needy in various ways – physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually. And our awareness of our problems can lead to discouragement and even despair. Jesus meets us in that place with both encouragement and healing for all that’s wrong with us. Join us as we look at “The God Who Heals Body and Soul” from Matthew 9:1-8.

The God Who Rules Over Chaos and Evil (Matt. 8:23-34)
November 6, 2022Pastor:Nathan Kingsley

Sermon Notes

So far in this series, we’ve seen Jesus draw near to the outcast by healing a leper and even a Roman soldier’s servant, but how will Jesus react when his disciples feel helpless in the midst of chaos? Or what will he do as he confronts evil face to face? How would you react if you witnessed Jesus calm a storm with a rebuke, or cast out demons with a single word? Join us for “The God Who Rules Over Chaos and Evil” from Matthew 8:23-34!

The God Who Is Worthy of Trust (Matt. 8:5-13)
October 30, 2022Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

As we continue in our series, “The God Who Draws Near,” we find Jesus continuing to heal. He’s healed a leper, and now a Roman soldier asks for help for a servant who is deathly ill. Will Jesus help a servant of the occupying army? Would you? Join us for “The God Who Is Worthy of Trust” from Matthew 8:5-13!

The God Who Brings Wholeness (Matt. 8:1-4)
October 23, 2022Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

As Jesus finishes his message on life in his gracious kingdom, he comes down off the hillside into the reality of people’s everyday lives. In his first encounter with brokenness we see his compassion and his commitment to extend his wholeness, healing, and restoration to everyone he touches. Join us to see “The God Who Brings Wholeness” from Matthew 8:1-4.