Proverbs: The Way of Wisdom

Proverbs is one of the wisdom literature books from the Old Testament. It is a collection of reflections and observations that help provide guidance and direction for life. It is instruction for how to navigate life in a way that’s meant to lead to blessing, wholeness, and joy for us and for others. If we are truly wise, we will align ourselves with this godly wisdom.

However, we must be careful to not read Proverbs as a book of promises or as a formula where we can guarantee the result. In this summer series, we’ll hear from a variety of different preachers which could feel segmented, but at the core of the series, we should know: Proverbs is a way of wisdom that points us to God. The ultimate wisdom is to look to God and trust Him, and then apply it practically to our daily lives in areas of family, marriage, finance, business, relationships, and more.

Sermons in this series

Wisdom Personified (Proverbs 31:10-31)
August 22, 2021Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

The writers of Proverbs have given us wisdom for relationships, work, family, community, money, possessions, perspective on life, and more. But how does that all fit together? What does wisdom look like actually lived out? Join us for the last sermon in our Proverbs series, as we look at “Wisdom Personified” from Proverbs 31:10-31.

I Am Weary O God (Proverbs 30)
August 15, 2021Pastor:Tom Macy

Sermon Notes

Agur is an unknown writer except for this one chapter in Proverbs 30, yet he shares a confession of his weariness and need for wisdom beyond himself. This dependence on God and the requests he makes call to mind many of the appeals of the Lord’s Prayer –  our need for God’s wisdom, our need for protection from evil, and our dependence on God for basic needs. Join us as Pastor Tom preaches from Proverbs 30.

The Way of Wisdom in Community (Proverbs 18)
August 8, 2021Pastor:Mark Dunker

Sermon Notes

We continue our study of the book of Proverbs as Mark Dunker teaches from Proverbs 18:1-8, 12-21.

Anger, Self-Control and Wisdom (Proverbs 16:18-20, 32-33)
August 1, 2021Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Let’s focus on peace and unity – with God and especially each other. Our words and actions are too easily harsh and angry. What does Proverbs 16 have to say about our speech and how to interact with one another? How do we step aside, check our pride and motivations, and speak with self-control? We need to learn this now, more than ever, because it seems like our culture is too comfortable with the quick cancellation or harsh response.

The Way of Wisdom with Words (Proverbs 15:1-10)
July 25, 2021Pastor:Curtis Coston

Sermon Notes

We need God’s wisdom to navigate how we communicate and listen in a world where many are shouting at or talking over each other. Proverbs 15 gives us wisdom so we can have godly interactions in our daily lives with a heart pointed towards the Father. Join us as we study The Way of Wisdom with Words from Proverbs 15:1-10.

God's New Old House (Proverbs 24:1-6)
July 18, 2021Pastor:Nick Perrin

Sermon Notes

Anyone who has tried to build their own house knows that such a project involves a lot of work – and a lot of decisions. As it turns out, God is also building a house with his people. In this house project, God himself does the work but he also involves his people in so many important decisions. If God is building a house, what difference does this make to our life decisions?

The Christian Pursuit of Justice Needs to Proceed From God's Wisdom (Proverbs 11:1-7)
July 11, 2021Pastor:Jules Martinez

Sermon Notes

Join us as we study Proverbs 11:1-7, and hear from our guest preacher, Jules Martinez.

Righteousness Exalts a Nation (Proverbs 14:34)
July 4, 2021Pastor:Tom Macy

Sermon Notes

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. – Proverbs 14:34
Starting with Proverbs 10, a long chain of proverbs contrast the wise and the foolish, the righteous and the wicked, poor and rich, good and evil. But this one is somewhat unique in that it speaks not of the individual, but of a nation, a tribe, an ethnic group, any people group. As Americans celebrate 245 years as a nation on July 4, this proverb definitely applies. Is the United States of America characterized by national righteousness? What sin is a reproach to our country? How does the church and individual believers contribute to the direction of our nation?

Wisdom is Better than Jewels (Proverbs 8)
June 27, 2021Pastor:Nicholas Piotrowski

Sermon Notes

Throughout the Proverbs “Lady Wisdom” constantly calls out to us, inviting us, welcoming us to rejoice in her good treasures. Why is wisdom personified this way? And why do we humans love folly so much? Why do we need to be persuaded like this to attain wisdom? The Lord is full of wisdom and all he does is wise. To be wise, therefore, is fully to bear the image of God and to be imitators of his ways.

Wisdom and Folly (Proverbs 1:1-9)
June 20, 2021Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Solomon tells us, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7). A wise person fears, obeys, and reverences the Lord; a fool despises God’s instruction and cannot be told what to do. The wise person is wise because s/he has started at the starting place – the attitude of their heart. Join us as we start a new series in Proverbs with “Wisdom and Folly” from Proverbs 1.