Philippians: Light in the Darkness

God has shined the light of His life and joy into our darkness through the Gospel (the Good News) of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul encourages the Christians in the prosperous Roman colony of Philippi to live out their lives as citizens of a new Kingdom where we discover true values, real life, and genuine glory. As we live with and for Christ, our lives shine his light into our world.

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Sermons in this series

Our Joy In Christ (Philippians 1-4)
November 24, 2019Pastor:Tom Macy

Sermon Notes

Paul’s letter to the Philippians has the most concentrated use in the New Testament of the words, Joy and Rejoice, comparable to Psalms in the Old Testament. And it’s not because life was always good for him by the usual measures. He was “in chains,” a prisoner, yet also “in Christ” and finding joy and contentment in Him. Join us as we wrap up the fall Philippians series with a focus on joy that is found throughout the whole letter. What is the source of true lasting Joy?

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Share the Wealth (Philippians 4:10-23)
November 17, 2019Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

Seems like the best way to break a friendship is to make it all about money. And yet, in Philippians 4:10-23, the Apostle Paul finds his friendship with the church in Philippi strengthened because of money, even when he didn’t need it! How do we share the wealth we have with one another as a sacrifice to God? Come to find out as we “Share the Wealth!”

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Peace Be With You (Philippians 4:2-9)
November 10, 2019Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

“Peace be with you” was the greeting regularly shared by Jesus’ first followers. But we live in a stressful world, we fight with each other, and we can be restless and worried. Even Paul talked about his anxiety for others. How do we experience the peace that Jesus promised? Join us as we look at Philippians 4:2-9.

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Eyes on the Prize (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
November 3, 2019Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

What is your life heading towards? Paul shows us how to make our lives really count in what matters most by living joyfully, humbly and purposefully for Christ. Join us as we look at “Eyes on the Prize” from Philippians 3:12-4:1.

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Fight For Joy (Philippians 3:1-11)
October 27, 2019Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Jesus said that in knowing Him we would have real life and lasting joy. Why does it seem like that promise is difficult to experience? What works against us knowing joy? How do we find and keep real joy in life? Join us as we learn how to “Fight for Joy” from Philippians 3:1-11.

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The Low Road (Philippians 2:19-30)
October 20, 2019Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

After soaring on the theological and poetic heights of the last few paragraphs, the Apostle Paul lands on what seem to be mundane concerns: a travel itinerary. And yet these verses show us very real personalities, real situations, and real affection between Paul and the Philippian church. Join us as we explore Philippians 2:19-30, “The Low Road.”

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Shine (Philippians 2:12-18)
October 13, 2019Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Much like in our world, Roman culture in Philippi recognized people for their status, wealth, power, or celebrity. Jesus doesn’t tell us to hide in a corner and avoid being noticed, but he models a life that gets recognized for very different reasons. In this message we see from Philippians 2:12-18 how Jesus’ followers “Shine.”

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The Downward Call (Philippians 2:5-11)
September 29, 2019Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

After a convicting admonition to the church to practice humility toward one another, Paul gives them (and us) a picture of what true humility looks like: Jesus. Jesus, who though he was equal with God nevertheless emptied himself, became a human being, and took on the role of a servant. And in this very action Jesus showed us what God is really like. Are we willing to follow God’s downward call as Jesus did? Join us for “The Downward Call” from Philippians 2:5-11.

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The Difference Jesus Makes (Philippians 2:1-4)
September 22, 2019Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

When we really see who Jesus is and what he’s done for us, it changes the way we look at our priorities, the way we define success; it changes the way we look at each other; it creates a community that’s totally unique, challenging, and life-giving. Join us as we look at Philippians 2:1-4 and “The Difference Jesus Makes.”

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Worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27-30)
September 15, 2019Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Paul has said for him, dying for Jesus is not the true sacrifice – rather, it’s staying alive for the sake of others (1:23-25). Paul then encourages Jesus’ followers to take up the same mindset, living “a life worthy of the gospel” (1:27). We know we don’t demonstrate our worthiness to God in our lives, but what does that mean? And how do our lives demonstrate our commitment to Jesus and our confidence in him? Join us as we look at “Worthy of the Gospel” from Philippians 1:27-30.

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Yes, And...
September 8, 2019Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

With utter disregard for his own ego, the Apostle Paul rejoices in the preaching of the gospel of Jesus, even if that preaching is done by those with mixed motives. And in a startling turn, he continues to rejoice in the physical and mental suffering he is undergoing at the hands of the Roman government. How do we find the same joy that Paul found? Join us for “Yes, And…” from Philippians 1:19-26.

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Growth in the Grind
September 1, 2019Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Pastor Joey helped us see how our destination determines our days. What happens when we head in the right direction and everything seems to go wrong? Paul has been faithful in following Jesus, but now he’s in prison. One of our greatest challenges is to make sense of God’s providence in suffering, hardship, and trials. Paul wants to assure God’s people that what has happened to him may not have been his plan, but it’s all part of God’s plan – and God often uses our difficulties to advance the gospel and shine his light in the darkness. Join us for “Growth in the Grind” from Philippians 1:12-18.

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More and More
August 25, 2019Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

In one of the most profound prayers in the whole New Testament, the Apostle Paul prays for his Philippian friends, that their love for God and for one another would continue to grow. But in Paul’s view, love is not mere sentimentality, love is an active force directed toward one another’s good. Join us as we unpack this prayer from Philippians 1:9-11 in “More and More.”

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Gospel Partnership
August 18, 2019Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

We’re starting a new series looking at Paul’s letter to the Christians in Philippi. God has shined the light of his life and joy into our darkness through the gospel (the Good News) of Jesus Christ. As we follow Jesus, we discover true values, real life, and genuine glory, and our lives shine His light to the world around us. We start our new series looking at Gospel Partnership from Philippians 1:1-8.


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