GO Time 2021

Rejoice Together

Mark Slaughter, evangelist and mentor, delivered our keynote for our 2021 Global Outreach Conference. Our theme for the conference this year was sowing and reaping together, arm in arm, rejoicing together! This comes from our key verse, John 4:36. We love how Eugene Peterson paraphrases this verse:

The Harvester isn’t waiting. He’s taking his pay, gathering in this grain that’s ripe for eternal life. Now the Sower is arm in arm with the Harvester, triumphant. 

Below you’ll find all of our missionaries’ seminars and our Sunday keynote from the week-long conference.


Sermons in this series

Keynote: The Ultimate Dream Team (John 4:31-38)
Sunday, September 26thPastor:Mark Slaughter

Sermon Notes

Mark Slaughter taught from this verse in his keynote titled, “The Ultimate Dream Team.” How are you called to be a part of the global team that God is building? Are you called to pray, care, give, or go? Prayerfully consider how God is calling you now, in this season, to be a part of the team.

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Starting Gospel Conversations
Monday, September 27Pastor:Tom & Julie Meiner

Sermon Notes

Tom and Julie work with Jesus Film and knew they were called to work behind the scenes in ministry to help spread the gospel around the world. Learn how you can use media to evangelize!

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Connecting Across Generations
Sunday, September 26Pastor:Ruth Hubbard

Sermon Notes

Ruth Hubbard is passionate about communicating the Gospel to the next generation. She is the director of InterVarsity’s missions conference, URBANA. In her seminar, she teaches a cross cultural relationship tool to be the centerpiece of a conversation with primarily grandparents in relating across the generational differences they have with their own grandchildren who are a part of GenZ. However, this model can be super helpful for anyone who desires to understand and connect with the younger generation.
Click for the slides to Ruth Hubbard’s slide presentation.
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Not Lost in Translation
Friday, September 24thPastor:Cindy Irwin

Sermon Notes

Cindy is an amazing storyteller. She shared stories from her recent years serving as an English teacher and Bible study leader here in Indiana. She also spent a significant amount of time sharing about her experience as a translator to Afghan refugees at Camp Atterbury. You are invited to grieve and carry this heavy burden with Cindy and pray for her in this challenging season of ministry that God has brought her to.

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The Allure of Gentleness
Monday, September 20Pastor:Isaac & Jenn Stough

Sermon Notes

How do you evangelize in a post-modern, post-Christian era? Let’s take a look at Jesus, who describes himself as gentle and kind in spirit. How was his gentleness used in tandem with his ministry and evangelism? What can we learn from looking at how Jesus accomplished His ministry and apply it to our own day-to-day witness?

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