Global Impact Conference Sept. 2018

Join our missionaries from around the world as we discover what it means to follow Christ as He makes us fishers of men! GIC weekend is packed with opportunities to hear how God is expanding his kingdom around the globe.

Sermons in this series

Called to Mission
September 23, 2018Pastor:Eric

Sermon Notes

What would you say if you were told that God had called you to mission? How are you currently involved in His mission? In our Evangelical world today many believe that a calling to mission is something for a select (or unfortunate) few. But, God’s word paints a different reality for the follower of Christ. We are not only called to God, but also called into His mission. We are called to become fishers of men! Join us as we look at Mark 6:6b-30 and learn more about what it means to be called to mission, and the realities of that calling.