As Promised

For Lent this year, we will look at Matthew’s theme of the fulfillment of God’s promises to save and redeem in Jesus – he is the better Adam, the faithful Son of God and Man; the “greater prophet” who was to come after Moses; the promised redeemer; the faithful Israel.

Jesus leads his people to an exodus from slavery and death. He passes through the waters of baptism (as Israel passed through the sea) under the blessing of God. He enters into the wilderness to resist temptation and faithfully follow Yahweh.
In this series we’ll see the good news of Jesus’ fulfillment in contrast to our failures and need of a redeemer, just As Promised.

Sermons in this series

The World Turned Upside Down (Matt. 28:1-10)
April 17, 2022Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Have you ever had something happen that upended your life and how you saw things? Sometimes that happens in a scary or threatening way. But what if the worrisome, regrettable, or ruined things in your life were suddenly transformed? Join us as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and look at “The World Turned Upside Down” from Matthew 28:1-10.

Good Friday 2022
April 15, 2022Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

A service reflecting on the sacrifice and suffering of Christ.

The Humble King (Matt. 21:1-14)
April 10, 2022Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

God’s people are looking for the king who will come in power to destroy their enemies and bring in a reign of peace. Jesus enters Jerusalem – the center of religious and political power – to shouts of praise and acclamation. But what kind of King is he? How will he use his power? Join us as we look at “The Humble King” from Matthew 21:1-14.

The Test of the Servant (Matt. 4:8-11)
April 3, 2022Pastor:Nathan Kingsley

Sermon Notes

In this third and final test that the adversary puts in front of Jesus, he again is asking Jesus the question, “What type of Son of God will you be?” Specifically, Satan shows Jesus the kingdoms of the world and subliminally asks Jesus, “Are you the type of Son of God who is willing to suffer?” Join us to study Matthew 4:8-11 to see how Jesus responds to Satan, and how he demonstrates his willingness to suffer to fulfill his purpose as the Son of God.

The Temple Temptation (Matt 4:5-7)
March 27, 2022Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

At the height of the temple, the next temptation comes. The devil continues his schemes to get Jesus to abuse his relationship with God by putting God to the test. “If God cares for you, he’ll save you! That’s what Psalm 91 says. So throw yourself off and prove that God loves you!”

Jesus responds with Scripture of his own, and a lesson for us. How do we resist “The Temple Temptation”? Join us to find out!

The Trial of the Son (Matt. 4:1-4)
March 20, 2022Pastor:Joey Woestman

Sermon Notes

Immediately following his baptism, the Spirit of God leads the Son of God into the wilderness, where his qualifications for ministry will be tested. Will Jesus succeed where Adam failed? Where Moses failed? Where Israel failed? And if he succeeds, what does that mean for us? Join us for “The Trial of the Son,” from Matthew 4:1-4, the first of three sermons on the temptations of Jesus.

Help Is On The Way (Matt. 3:1-6, 13-17)
March 13, 2022Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

Matthew wants us to see how Jesus is the good news that God is fulfilling all his promises to save, rescue, and restore all that’s gone wrong with us. But it’s only when we see how much of a mess we’re in that Jesus really becomes good news to us. Join us for “Help Is On The Way” from Matthew 3:1-6, 13-17.

The Redeemer and King (Matt. 2:1-18)
March 6, 2022Pastor:Jeff Schultz

Sermon Notes

For Lent this year, we’ll follow the early chapters of Matthew’s gospel to see how Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises to save and redeem. We see the good news of Jesus’ faithfulness to God’s purposes in contrast to our failures. Join us as we look at “The Redeemer and King” from Matthew 2:1-18.