Women’s Retreat

11.04 – 11.05.22
Faith Church

Our annual opportunity to connect with other Faith women returns this November as we gather to learn from Scripture, rest, play and worship together. Our speaker, Deanna Day Young, is a Christian speaker and author from southeast Indiana.  Deanna writes that she “loves to help women identify the junk that is holding them back and find the joy to live life to the fullest.”  Deanna will review Scriptures to lead us through the topic of Fear, Faith, and Focus.  Watch Faith News and Women of Faith social media posts in the coming weeks for additional information about her presentation.

Date/Location Breakdown:

This year’s retreat will be held at Faith Church and participants will return home to sleep.

Friday, Nov 4th: 7pm- 8:30pm – Check-in begins at 6pm.  Women are welcomed and encouraged to stay after the session to visit with friends and make new connections!

Saturday, Nov 5th: 8am-2pm – Breakfast and lunch are provided.

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