9 AM
Women’s Ministry Leadership Training
Faith Church
Before you immediately dismiss the event because you’re not on the Women of Faith committee… wait!
- Are you passionate about women in leadership roles in our communities, workplaces, and churches?
- Do you enjoy walking alongside other women to encourage their flourishing in all that God has called them to?
- Do you serve other women in any official or unofficial capacity, in ministry or outside of a ministry context?
You’ve likely said “yes” to at least one of these! This event is an opportunity to participate in structured leadership training for both skill-building and vision-building. We will gather at 9AM with breakfast and will be utilizing a training video series with various breakout sessions. The event will end with lunch together from noon to 1 PM.
We’d like to know if you plan to come. Please RSVP to Andrea Preston by text: 317.603.1119.