ITS Symposium
Indianapolis Theological Seminary will be hosting their spring symposium with Dr. Jason DeRouchie. Dr. DeRouchie will be speaking on the topic of his recent book, How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament, specifically as it pertains to “How Should the Christian Relate to Old Testament Laws?” The event is free to attend but you need to register through the link below.
Jason S. DeRouchie (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a mission-minded churchman who seeks to see the obedience that flows from faith awakened among the neighborhoods and the nations for the sake of Christ’s name. He is committed to equipping leaders both in the US and abroad to faithfully understand and apply the Christian Scriptures––Old and New Testaments, and he specializes in Hebrew discourse analysis, Deuteronomy, and Zephaniah, and in clarifying how the whole Bible progresses, integrates, and climaxes in Christ. He has written numerous articles and books, including What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About: A Survey of Jesus’ Bible, How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology, and the forthcoming 40 Questions on Biblical Theology. Prior to Midwestern he pastored in both Indiana and Minnesota and trained students at both University of Northwestern––St. Paul and Bethlehem College & Seminary. Annually he leads teams to Africa’s horn to train leaders and visit orphans. He and his wife Teresa have been married since 1994, and they have six children, the younger three whom they adopted from Ethiopia. His research website is