GriefShare Event | Loss of a Spouse

10 AM & 6:15 PM
Room 152

Widowed? Help is here and hope is possible.

Do you dread the lonely days and nights? Wonder what to do with your spouse’s belongings? Feel like your brain is in a fog? Unsure of how you’ll go on?

At a Loss of a Spouse seminar you’ll discover:

  • Other people understand and have found ways to make it through
  • Why it won’t always hurt so much
  • Reasons for hope
  • Practical tips for coping with the death of a spouse

This is a standalone event, separate from the 13-week long GriefShare program that begins on August 26th. Choose to attend one of the two seminars for Loss of a Spouse: at 10 AM or at 6:15 PM. Click one of these links to access the exact event info.

Learn More and Sign Up!
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