We live in a racially and ethnically fractured society. The Church has a wonderful opportunity to display the reconciling power of the gospel among all peoples as a powerful witness to our community.
Global Impact Conference April 2018
Sermons in this series
One Gospel, One Household
April 8, 2018Pastor:Dr. Peter Cha
Sermon Notes
We welcome Dr. Peter Cha, Professor of Church, Culture, and Society at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, as he helps us grow in our understanding of the reconciliation that flows out of Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross.
Being Winsome Ambassadors in our Now Global Community
April 7, 2018Pastor:Jeff Schultz
Sermon Notes
Our experienced panel will discuss the impact of Christ-centered relationships in reconciling people of different races, classes, and cultures. Dr. Peter Cha will be joined by Pastor Curtis Coston of Solid Word Bible Church and others involved in Faith’s local international outreach.