GO Time Weekend
Missions is the heartbeat of Faith Church. We love hosting our missionaries for long weekends to learn from them and hear updates about what God is doing around the world.
GO Time Weekends are visits with our missionaries where we get to learn from them and have intentional time with them during events. Our missionaries, Mark and Charlene will be joining us for a GO Time Weekend September 21-23.
Weekend Schedule:
Friday, September 13 | Missionary podcast interview is released
The purpose of the podcast is to meet Charlene and Mark and hear what they are up to. Learn how you can be partnering with them in prayer and how to connect with them during their featured events.
Saturday, September 21
Sunday, September 22
Do you love our Lord? Have you come alongside others in their walks with him? Interested in exploring how you can encourage believers as they seek to make disciples in unreached marketplaces? Come to Room 210 on Sunday night, September 22nd, at 6:00 PM to learn more. You can also join in over Zoom – link to come!
Monday, September 23
Come and learn how your business experience (marketing, accounting, management, finance, etc.) can be leveraged to create and scale businesses in unreached communities around the world. No travel. Work from home. Flexible hours. Pizza provided for free at our one-hour intro session on Monday, September 23rd at 6:30 PM in Room 210. You can also join in over Zoom – link to come!