GO Time Weekend

07.12 – 07.15.24

Missions is the heartbeat of Faith Church. We love hosting our missionaries for long weekends to learn from them and hear updates about what God is doing around the world.

GO Time Weekends are visits with our missionaries where we get to learn from them and have intentional time with them during events. Our missionaries, David and Karen Bradley will be visiting from July 12 to July 15. David and Karen work with the JESUS Film project, where David serves as the Worldwide Field Strategy Director, leading the team that equips those on the front lines to strategically use JESUS Film Project for evangelism and discipleship.

Weekend Schedule:

Friday, July 5  |  Missionary podcast interview is released

The purpose of the podcast is to meet David and Karen and hear what they are up to. Learn how you can be partnering with them in prayer and how to connect with them during their featured events.

Friday, July 12th

The Story of Jesus for Children  |  7 PM in the Gathering Space
This family-friendly event is an opportunity for our FaithKids families and friends to watch the Story of Jesus for Children from Jesus Film Project. We’ll provide all-you-can-eat popcorn during the film. We’d love for you to invite your neighbors and friends to this event!

Saturday, July 13

Men’s Breakfast  |  8 AM in Room 210 
Hosted by Men of Faith, our Saturday morning breakfasts have become a staple in Men’s Ministry. The speaker for this breakfast is David Bradley, talking on God’s goodness to him through his cancer journey.

Sunday, July 14

Meet and Greet with the Bradleys 
Find David and Karen Bradley between services to introduce yourself, connect, or catch up!
Missions Lunch  |  12:15 PM in Room 210
Following 2nd service you can join us for lunch and hear an ministry update from Karen and David. A main dish and drinks will be provided, please pitch-in with a side or dessert to share if you plan to come. Kids are invited too! We’d love to see everyone there.
Hybrid Seminar: Sharing the Faith with Jesus Film  |  7-8 PM in Room 210
Many of us have just completed a year-long class on sharing our Faith, but we could all use more tools! During this hybrid seminar, David and Karen will teach us how to use the Jesus Film app to share our faith in Jesus, specifically when we are interacting with others who speak a different first language than us. Engage in person in Room 210 or online over Zoom.

Monday, July 15

Women’s Self-Defense Class  |  7 PM in the Gathering Space 
David and Karen are passionate about the work they do in their community through a martial arts ministry and self-defense classes. They will teach us the basics of self-defense, as well as their heart of equipping others through this ministry. This event is open to all FSM ladies and all Women of Faith.
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