COVID-19 Update

Posted: March 17, 2020

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Activities Canceled Through April 5th


Because of updated guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH), the Elder Executive Board has made the difficult decision to suspend all worship services and activities at Faith through April 5th. 

For the next few Sundays, we will provide Worship-at-Home resources for you, direct to your email inbox on Friday evenings. We encourage you to gather for worship with families, friends, and community groups as much as you are comfortable. 

In addition, the church office will be closed beginning today through April 5th. You can still reach the office by emailing or calling 317.848.1541. We are checking messages regularly.

Ongoing Ministry 

In days like these we are reminded that “church” is a word that applies to a people, not to a building. WE are the church, not the edifice at 9125 N College. 

And because WE are the church, our mission remains the same: to be informed, winsome ambassadors, reflecting Christ to the secular world around us. We are in a unique position to respond to this crisis with a calm trust in a sovereign God. 

Remember the words of Psalm 29:3-4:  

The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord, over many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

We serve an awe-inspiring God, a God who is not taken by surprise by COVID-19. We serve a God who is not taken aback by the suffering of his people, but who entered into his people’s suffering on the cross of Christ. 

We can trust that the Lord  who sits enthroned as King forever will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29:10-11).  

Ongoing Care 

Our pastors and elders have developed plans to contact our congregation individually to check in, pray with you, and provide care as needed. In addition, we are working to care for the most vulnerable among our congregation. If you have been impacted financially by COVID-19, please reach out to us at finance@faithliveitout.orgso our benevolence team can help. 

Stay Updated 

We will continue to monitor the situation and stay abreast of all information and guidance from officials with the ISDH and the CDC. We’ll keep you updated here at and send out text message updates and weekly Faith News. 

If you have any questions, please email or visit for the latest updates.

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